Hello, welcome to my page! I'm Conan Reed, Lord of Glencoe, the author of the Ahkis trilogy.
I call "Clean Fantasy" a writing style that emerges the young reader in a world full of exciting stories - but without orc blood, violence or sex. Clean worlds that embrace the right values, stories that our children can read and listen to - and have great fun doing so!
I gladly accept the challenge of offering non-violent drama! Thus the idea for the Ahkis trilogy. Its first volume, "The Dragon Ahkis", will soon be available.
Find me on Facebook - Twitter .
Teaser text
I am Alex Tah Rupert - wizard of the first Tah, of the first degree, of the first stage;
friend of the Mirror Dragons, savior of Massis, protector of the Father Tree;
blacksmith of the Ahkis rings, Guardian of the Dragon Crown
and Supreme General of the White Honor Guard.
I was born in 1959 in Ollney, Illinois. I received my Ahkis on Bathan from the legendary Dush Tah Bashir during the third color war. I wouldn't be speaking to you today if it wasn't for him.
This is the story of a boy who was initiated into the secrets of magic on a strange world, far away from his home.
This is my story.
© Conan Reed, Lord of Glencoe
"Sumus nos ignis ardentis"